Drinking Water Supply Agreement Sample

If you`re in charge of drafting a drinking water supply agreement, it`s important to start out with a solid template to ensure all necessary elements are included. Here`s an example of what a drinking water supply agreement sample might look like.


The introduction should state the purpose of the agreement and provide an overview of the parties involved. It might go something like this:

This drinking water supply agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into between [insert name of supplier], a [insert state of incorporation] corporation with its principal place of business at [insert address], (“Supplier”), and [insert name of customer], a [insert state of incorporation] corporation with its principal place of business at [insert address], (“Customer”).


This section should describe the purpose of the agreement. For example:

The purpose of this Agreement is to establish the terms and conditions under which Supplier will provide drinking water to Customer.


This section should specify the length of the agreement. For example:

This Agreement shall be for a term of [insert number] years, commencing on [insert date] and ending on [insert date].

Quality of Water

This section should describe the quality of the drinking water that will be provided. It might go something like this:

Supplier agrees to provide Customer with drinking water meeting or exceeding all applicable state and federal water quality standards.

Quantity of Water

This section should specify the quantity of water that will be provided. For example:

Supplier agrees to provide a minimum of [insert number] gallons of drinking water per day to Customer.


This section should describe the schedule and method of water delivery. For example:

Supplier will deliver drinking water to Customer`s facility every [insert frequency] day(s) via tanker truck.

Price and Payment Terms

This section should state the price at which the water will be sold and the payment terms. For example:

Customer shall pay Supplier [insert price] per gallon of drinking water delivered. Payment shall be made within [insert number] days of receipt of invoice.

Default and Termination

This section should describe the circumstances under which the agreement may be terminated and the consequences of default. For example:

Either party may terminate this Agreement upon [insert notice period] days` written notice to the other party in the event of a breach of any material term or condition of this Agreement. In the event of termination by either party, all outstanding amounts owed to Supplier shall become immediately due and payable.

Governing Law

This section should state the law that will govern the agreement. For example:

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [insert state].


By using a template such as this drinking water supply agreement sample, you can ensure that your agreement covers all the necessary elements and is legally sound. Be sure to seek legal advice if necessary, and have your final agreement reviewed by an experienced attorney.