Unilateral Trade Agreement Quizlet

When it comes to trade agreements, there are many different types that countries can enter into. One such type is a unilateral trade agreement. But what exactly does that mean?

In simple terms, a unilateral trade agreement is when one country makes concessions in its trade policies without expecting anything in return from its trading partners. This is in contrast to bilateral or multilateral trade agreements, where both or multiple parties agree to open up their markets to each other.

Now that we know what a unilateral trade agreement is, let`s test your knowledge with a quizlet!

1. What is a unilateral trade agreement?

a) A trade agreement between two or more countries

b) A trade agreement where one country makes concessions in its trade policies without expecting anything in return

c) A trade agreement where countries agree to set up their own trading bloc

2. Which of the following is a benefit of a unilateral trade agreement?

a) It encourages other countries to open up their markets

b) It can help a country gain access to new markets

c) It can lead to increased economic growth and job creation

3. Which countries are known for implementing unilateral trade agreements?

a) China and India

b) Japan and South Korea

c) United States and Canada

4. What is an example of a unilateral trade agreement?

a) The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

b) The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

c) The Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)


1. b

2. c

3. a

4. c

Unilateral trade agreements can be a useful tool for countries looking to expand their trade and gain access to new markets. However, they are not without their drawbacks, as they can lead to trade imbalances and potentially harm domestic industries. As with any trade agreement, it`s important to carefully consider the potential benefits and drawbacks before entering into a unilateral trade agreement.